Thursday, June 14, 2007


Sejuta Rasa Sejuta Mimpi
Penggila kopi bisa mencari produk kopi hingga ke pelosok-pelosok, itu buat hobbiest tapi tidak berlaku buat saya yang cuman meminum kopi pada saat perlu dan badan kurang semwiring..
Dalam terminologi Cath (istri saya) hanya ada dua term buat pengopi, 1 peminum kopi, 2 penikmat kopi.. euh dah lama juga mikirin darimana dia bisa nyimpulin term seperti itu. Mungkin kelamaan dicekokin kopi jaman dulu ato ngerasa dah sekaliber Dee yang mengkopikan kopi dalam buku terbarunya "Filosofi Kopi" yang pasti judul buku sama cerita kopi buatan starbucks jelas beda.
Kalo Starbucks itu adalah kopi instan yang paling banyak penggemar karena mungkin diantara semua kopi instan doi lah yang paling enak dan muantab dalam penyajian. soal rasa ah itu lain cerita.. yang pasti mau Starbuck atau itu Kopi Tiam hingga juragan Kopi Siborong-borong di Sumut sana bisa beda persepsi rasa tentang kopi. Buat tetanggaku yang hebat ngopinya, Kopi tjap Kapal Tanker adalah yang terbaik, eh itu tidak sebanding kalau temanku yang membandingkan Kopi Aroma van Bandung yang masih belum tergiling adalah the best ever he has. Intinya banyak aksi ngopi, tak serta merta kita jadi jago mengecap kopi. tokh sudah saya lakukan bertahun-tahun tetap saja belum bisa menentukan perbedaan kopi, paling banter bilang, kopi kental atau kopi plain, kopi manis atau kopi pahit, belum sampai pada tahapan acidity, kesegeran dst. tokh itupun cukup dan sah saja kalau mau bilang "hmmm... yang ini kopinya nikmat sekali.." meski tidak tahu alasannya, yang pasti seteguk kopi di warung pojok jalan mungkin lebih segar dari se mug kopi di Starbucks. tokh itu kembali ke masalah selera.. ada berbacam rasa kopi, itupun bisa addicted bagi orang yang mungkin hanya bisa merokok dengan minum kopi, atau membaca buku.. wueh mantab.. kembali ke selera tadi, mengambil istilah teman saya di Jalansutra kalau minum kopi adalah sentiman keintiman, artinya bukan sekedar kafein, kortisol dll yang bikin orang minum atau tidak minum kopi tapi apresiasi oranglah yang menentukan minum atau tidak minum (tresya, JS posted sat june 16). Mungkin benar, tokh buat saya kualitas tempat (bukan berarti tempat yang mewah, bagus, bersih dsb) yang menentukan rasa kopi, tapi merasa attach dengan tempat melalui kopi yang bikin kita betah minum kopi. Cara menghidangkan, siapa yang menghidangkan yang dalam terminologi starbuck mah disebut barista itu teh, cara memasak bahkan hingga teman minum kopi memberi sensasi dan rasa tersendiri. Buat banyak orang adalah mimpi bisa nongkrong di Starbuck hinggal lewat tengah malam, tapi buat sebagian orang adalah mimpi juga minum kopi dariteko yang di hidang ibu-ibu saat meronda hingga pagi hari.. Semua dan pada akhirnya bisa jadi lari ke jurusan kopi dalam teknik ekonomi... Aahhhh.
(di persembahkan buat Kopi Gesek, KM 20 tanjungpinang Bintan, yang pindah tempat)


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Email Etiquette on Business

How long have we been using email? it might be more than 10 years. Do you know that there are etiquette to send email? I know that A lot of it is well written. A lot of it isn't. Some messages go on and on and on, until finally the question is asked. Sometimes the length is necessary -- other times the writer could be more concise.
Just share my few of coins:

  • Before you send each e-mail, ask yourself if each recipient is necessary
  • Be considerate of the time of others by keeping e-mails short and business-relevant
  • Politely inform people when they have sent you something unnecessary or inappropriate
  • Use Auto-reply to inform others of your absences
  • Consider the language comprehension of recipients; use both languages if necessary
  • Use clear and rich subject lines
  • Use short sentences
  • Read your e-mail before you send it, taking a recipient’s perspective
  • Anticipate your readers’ questions and try to pre-empt them
  • Use the telephone or face-to-face rather than e-mail if at all practical
  • Use e-mail for sharing information


  • Send any e-mail you would not be happy to show to your boss
  • Send e-mails when you are angry
  • Send an e-mail to me when you are simply copying (cc) me
  • Send gigantic attachments (over 2 megabytes should be posted on the website)
  • Forward messages with attachments while simultaneously adding more attachments
  • E-mail someone with criticism or arguments; If you have a problem, contact the person directly
  • Confuse reading your e-mail with getting your work done
  • Assume recipients will read your e-mail in the hour or two after you send it
  • Assume e-mail is the best method of communicating; it’s the easiest method to be misunderstood
  • Send an e-mail when you can phone or have a conversation directly with the person
  • Have conversations over e-mail when the person is in the next office or down the hall
  • Overuse the high priority option

Besides those things, there're additional that no less important than the general mentioned above.

Abbreviation usage is quite rampant with e-mail. In the quest to save keystrokes, users have traded clarity for confusion (unless you understand the abbreviations). Some of the more common abbreviations are listed in the table below. I would recommend that you use abbreviations that are already common to the English language, such as 'FYI' and 'BTW'. Beyond that, you run the risk of confusing your recipient.

BCNU be seeing you
BTW by the way
FWIW for what it's worth
FYI for your information
IMHO in my humble opinion
OBO or best offer
ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
RTFM read the funny manual
TNSTAAFL there's no such thing as a free lunch
TTFN ta ta for now
TTYL talk to you later
CMIIW Correct me if I am wrong

Part of the nature of a good one-on-one conversation is the use of visual cues. How important are facial expressions and body gestures to a conversation? A simple eye movement can mean the difference between "yes" and "YES". What about auditory cues? The results are the same.
Since there are no visual or auditory cues with e-mail, users have come up with something called "smilies". They are simple strings of characters that are interspersed in the e-mail text to convey the writer's emotions (cues). The most common example is :-). Turn your head to the left and you should see a happy face (the colon are the eyes, the dash is the nose and the parentheses is the mouth). Here are some more examples.

:-) Smiley face
;-) Wink (light sarcasm)
:- Indifference
:-> Devilish grin (heavy sarcasm)
8-) Eye-glasses
:-D Shock or surprise
:-/ Perplexed
:-( Frown (anger or displeasure)
:-P Wry smile
;-} Leer
:-Q Smoker
:-e Disappointment
:-@ Scream
:-O Yell
:-* Drunk
:-{} Wears lipstick
^_^ Twink-twink
However most common practise also used in SMS mobile phone.
Then, it'll be up to you anyway.


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